Below are a few stories going back to around 1982-1986 from
my career in Wichita when I tried my hand as a Second Line Manager supervising
people. Some very interesting times. Some of the names have been changed to
protect the guilty!!!
From Mr. T
I wish you the best on your continued journey down this new
path. I do want fries with that.
It was a pleasure working with you. I
learned a lot from you…about Billing systems…about what to do…and about what
not to do. J
You sense of humor is gift and I hope you continue to spread
that gift to those around you.
One of my fondest memories – first week on the job in
Wichita, I had somehow made Arlene angry. You came down to my desk at 7pm to show me a
list of names, on which Arlene’s name was crossed off. You said, “This is a list of everyone of
everyone in the Data Center. I am going
to start crossing off the names of all the people you piss off, one by one.” Your managerial skills were amazing. Good times.
I also enjoyed that exercise class we took at the YMCA. You didn’t tell me that everyone else in the
class was an expectant mother. They all
loved us. Good times.
And of course, the late night breakfast at the Nifty Kitchen
with you, me and Miss B. We did not get
stabbed or shot. Good times.
Good luck!! Enjoy your retirement.
Reply to Mr. T:
for the two great stories!!! I kind of
remember the exercise group. NOW, that was pretty funny.
I don’t
remember the Arlene story but I do remember how Arleen was. I think that
was a pretty good management style approach. I hope I was not too
threatening. J
Kurt, and Kathy were three of my “success” stories even though I really can’t
take credit for much of anything relating to your development. You all
had the tools you needed and so were pleasant to work with. Kathy got a
bum rap at the beginning but it did not take long for her to show others what
she could do. Those were probably some of the “toughest” talks I had to
have with an employee but Kathy took everything I said to heart. One of
the “proudest” memories of my early careen was when abut a year or so after I
took over Evening Shift, Mr. DR came to me and asked it Kathy could work for
him. That was a great feeling and those types of successes were few and
far between.
thanks again, for the memories.
From Mr. R
well congratulations!!! I have to say that you were one of the best
bosses throughout my career! And glad
you were my first boss (I don’t count M…;-)) I also have to say you taught me to hang
sheetrock…and it did come in handy in my later years.
I also have so many fond memories of my short time in
Wichita…Our scavenger hunt was really fun!
Evening shift with Ms. V “smoking” in her cubby…illegal now! Unbelievable it wasn’t illegal then…shows our
age. But she always had time to “help”
me so I would always have to go to Kim.
Arlene always threatening to “box my ears”…I guess for
trying to re-code some of her JCL…not really sure. Sneaking into Gus’s desk with Karen to find
out if we were going to OKC or St. Louis prior to official announcement! Occasionally working night shift and catch
Steve sleeping! Poker with Dean, Gary,
Mark, and Scott…I was horrible, but was happy to be included! Weekends at Kathy’s house on back porch
looking at the “lights of Thailand”.
Great times!
From Mrs. B
I’m going to do a more proper response tomorrow when I’m
back in the office … but what a perfect place to write to the three of you,
because I am now sitting in downtown Wichita!
Kim, this company is going to be so much duller without your
special brand of humor in the office! You are right, if it weren’t for
you, I am sure I would not be here at AT&T. I think DR never forgave
me for leaving work at 5:30 one day to go to a concert with my friend who was
meeting me at my apartment (those days were before cell phones). He
thought I should have stayed with the woman who came from St. Louis to work
with me. If JS didn’t have her baby two months early I wouldn’t have been
in that spot! When he told me, “Don’t make plans after work,” I seriously
thought I had misjudged the work world. But when my one year appraisal
time came, and you stuck your neck out for me and then said, “Just keep doing
the same things you’re doing and we’ll ride this out,” (or something along
those lines) it was such a great relief and honestly those days formed some of
my best memories.
Every year when I review the Code of Business Conduct, guess
what work environment comes to mind? Jokes that pushed the line (and many times
crossed over) – thank you, Kim. Work-appropriate clothing (thank you
Sherri ? of the see through shirts). Smoking at work – trying not to get
hit by MC’s cigarette ashes as she talked with her hands and I watched the tip
of her cigarette get longer and longer with ash. And I must mention
cologne – when I was back on days, we always knew Kurt had arrived because of
the waft of cologne that came with him! Put in a full day of work – do
you remember when JK was an evening shift supervisor and he let LM join a
bowling league during hours she was supposed to be working? Oh the
memories go on! Of course the Nifty Kitchen and the joy of identifying a
working girl… And working strike duty that first year, before Mark
transferred in or Kurt started, when RP had his wife bring some beer to a park
where we all met at 7:00 a.m. because we were getting off our 7:00 p.m. – 7:00
a.m. shift. I don’t think that’s
something you were involved in Kim, but it’s another of those crazy Wichita
memories. Most of all I remember your laugh and how loyal you were.
I owe a lot to you in helping me get going with this company, and in how you made
it fun and challenging, too. I am so glad that we can all still find each
other after all these years.
Original Retirement
Email To Folks
It's Official!!!! I decided to pull the trigger
today. I just hope I am not shooting myself in the foot! J
Feel free to pass this along to anyone you feel might be
And as always……

1 comment:
Three Amigos??? Who do you think you are Steve Martin??? You are luck to have even known three people over these last 35 years who will even admit they know you much less worked for you and survived to tell about it!!! I am surprised you lasted this long. They should have booted you out of AT&T long ago! Geeeees! YOU ARE PATHETIC!!!
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